ChIP-seq data used in Lizio_et_al. The folder contains peaks called (by MACS) and 10% reproducible peaks (by IDR). Reproducicle peaks were also divided into peaks containing motif, and peaks not containing motif. Mapping data is available from DDBJ data archive with accession DRA002468. Here follows association TF-libraryID #Sample name libraryID Input_01 PShi10150.011.GGCTAC Input_02 PShi10150.012.CTTGTA Input_03 PShi10179.004.GGCTAC LMX1A_01 PShi10148.002.CGATGT LMX1A_03 PShi10176.003.TAGCTT NEUROD1_02 PShi10149.006.GCCAAT NEUROD1_03 PShi10176.001.ATCACG PAX6_02 PShi10179.001.ATCACG PAX6_03 PShi10213.001.GCCAAT RFX6_01 PShi10149.005.ACAGTG RFX6_03 PShi10176.004.GGCTAC