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Line 14: Line 14:
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"aLengthMenu": [[25, 100, 500, -1], [25, 100, 500, "All"]],
"aLengthMenu": [[25, 100, 500, -1], [25, 100, 500, "All"]],
"aoColumnDefs": [{ "sWidth": "100px", "aTargets": [0] }, { "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 2 ] }],
"aoColumnDefs": [{ "sWidth": "100px", "aTargets": [0] }, { "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [ 3 ] }],

Line 28: Line 28:
$("input[name='primary_cells']").click(function() {
oTable.fnFilter( 'primary cells', 2);
oTable.fnFilter( '', 2);
$("input[name='tissues']").click(function() {
oTable.fnFilter( 'tissues', 2);
oTable.fnFilter( '', 2);
$("input[name='cell_lines']").click(function() {
oTable.fnFilter( 'cell lines', 2);
oTable.fnFilter( '', 2);
$("input[name='time_courses']").click(function() {
oTable.fnFilter( 'time courses', 2);
oTable.fnFilter( '', 2);

} );
} );

<input type="checkbox" name="p1">Phase1 sample<span id="export_tool"></span>
<input type="checkbox" name="p1">Phase1 sample<br><br>
<b>Filter by sample category</b><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="primary_cells">primary cells   
<input type="checkbox" name="tissues">tissues   
<input type="checkbox" name="cell_lines">cell lines
<input type="checkbox" name="time_courses">time courses
<span id="export_tool"></span>
{{#ask:[[Concept:FF_samples_withname]]|[[Sample_species::Human (Homo sapiens)]]|mainlabel=FF ontology id|?Name||?datafreeze_phase
{{#ask:[[Concept:FF_samples_withname]]|[[Sample_species::Human (Homo sapiens)]]|mainlabel=FF ontology id|?Name|?Sample_category|?datafreeze_phase

Revision as of 09:50, 27 December 2012

Details of profiled samples (incl. primary cells, cell lines, and tissues)

Phase1 sample

10000-101A1Clontech Human Universal Reference Total RNA, pool1tissues
10001-101A3Clontech Mouse Universal Reference Total RNA, pool1tissues
10002-101A5SABiosciences XpressRef Human Universal Total RNA, pool1tissues
10003-101A7SABiosciences XpressRef Mouse Universal Total RNA, pool1tissues
10004-101A9chicken embryo whole body, day10 (HH37)tissues
10006-101B2Universal RNA - Dog Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1tissues
10007-101B4Universal RNA - Human Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1tissues
10008-101B6Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1tissues
10009-101B8Universal RNA - Rat Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1tissues
10010-101C1adipose tissue, adult, pool1tissues
10011-101C2bladder, adult, pool1tissues
10012-101C3brain, adult, pool1tissues
10013-101C4cervix, adult, pool1tissues
10014-101C5colon, adult, pool1tissues
10015-101C6esophagus, adult, pool1tissues
10016-101C7heart, adult, pool1tissues
10017-101C8kidney, adult, pool1tissues
10018-101C9liver, adult, pool1tissues
10019-101D1lung, adult, pool1tissues
10020-101D2ovary, adult, pool1tissues
10021-101D3placenta, adult, pool1tissues
10022-101D4prostate, adult, pool1tissues
10023-101D5skeletal muscle, adult, pool1tissues
10024-101D6small intestine, adult, pool1tissues
Showing 1 to 25 of 2,001 entries