CAGE_peaks_ID: | chr9:7745936..7745946,+ |
Chr: | chr9 |
Start: | 7745936 |
End: | 7745946 |
Score: | 2017 |
Strand: | + |
Ensembl_transcript_id: | ENSMMUT00000012874.3 |
Augustus_gene_name: | g15972.t1 g15972.t3 |
RefSeq_transcript_id: | NA |
Genscan_gene_name: | NA |
EST_gene_name: | BM423281,CB310164,CB308820,CB310397,CB308935,CB309785,CB309187,CB554345,CB553658,CD767314,CD766903,CD767996,CD766879,CN646636,CN648133,CN645271,CN803105,CO646772,CO583763,DV768816 |
CAGE Expression
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Property "Ensembl gene name" (as page type) with input value "{{{ensembl_gene_name}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.