The type of this property is text
Taxon notes: In humans the cerebrum has three parts: the archipallium, the paleopallium and the neopallium. The developing telencephalon or forebrain is divided into pallium and subpallium. In amphibians, the cerebrum includes archipallium, paleopallium and some of the basal nuclei. Reptiles first developed a neopallium, which continued to develop in the brains of more recent species to become the neocortex of humans and Old World monkeys. In fish, the archipallium is the largest part of the cerebrum. Some researchers suggest the early archipallium gave rise to the human hippocampus[WP] +
Note this groups both skeletal and non-skeletal ligaments. What is called a "ligament" in many AOs is actually a skeletal ligament +
Morphology: Diameter 30_M-80 _M, abundant cytoplasm, low N/C ratio, eccentric nucleus. Irregular shape with pseudopods, highly adhesive. Contain vacuoles and phagosomes, may contain azurophilic granules; markers: Mouse & Human: CD68, in most cases CD11b. Mouse: in most cases F4/80+; role or process: immune, antigen presentation, & tissue remodelling; lineage: hematopoietic, myeloid. +
TODO - check relationship with epiblast. Note in FMA this is not a subclass of embryo, but in uberon embryo is the whole organism from zygote onwards and thus includes the blastula +
Keratinocytes are reportedly CDw210a-negative, CDw210b-positive, CD281-positive, CD282-positive, CD285-positive, IL22Ra1-positive, Human keratinocytes are reportedly capable of secreting BD-2, BD-3, hCAP-18, CXCL1, CXCL5, CXCL8, elafin, MMP-3, NGAL, PDGF-A, S100A7, S100A8, and S100A9. Transcription factors: STAT3-positive. +
Taxon notes: The hyoid bone and the clavicle are the only bones located in the throat of mammals. +
Editor note: - check - mucosa vs region of mucosa. In FMA these are subtypes of Mucosa: Mucosa of gallbladder, tongue, .... The following are subtypes of Region of mucosa: Mucosa of zone of stomach, trachea, bronchus, dorsum of tongue.... Depends on whether the covered area is an organ or organ component. Uberon does not regard organ vs organ component as crucial distinction and thus collapses these into a single class deliberately +
obsoletion recommended. The current part_of children were chosen as the intersection of what is stated in wikipedia and in the FMA. NIF: We are including Limbic System because it is still used by neuroscientists and others, but as a data annotation term, it is very poor because it is not a clearly defined entity. +
consider merging with transitional epithelium. MA uses the label 'urothelium' exclusively. FMA uses 'transitional epithelium' and has 'urothelium' as a sibling. FMA also lists 'urothelium' as the only example of 'transitional epithelium' +
The term has been used in a few different ways: * It is a pair of nuclear masses which form the basal ganglia, along with the subthalamic nucleus and the substantia nigra. * It may also refer to both the basal ganglia and internal capsule collectively.[2] * According to the 1917 version of Gray's Anatomy, it is the combination of the lentiform nucleus (also known as the lenticular nucleus) and the caudate nucleus * According to BrainInfo it is a part of the basal ganglia comprising the globus pallidus and striatum +
Naming conventions for pod terms under discussion within phenoscape group. TODO - add distinct term for skeleton and place AAO class here +
AO notes: we place the MA term musculature here, rather than under uberon:musculature, as this seems more appropriate given the structure of MA +
AO notes: in FMA/NIF this is a superclass of PM/AM - in BTO it is the mereological sum. We go with superclass here, as we are naming the class in the singular. Editor notes: check relationship to secondary meninx +
Editor notes: in BTO this is part of the cochlear modiolus, but this leads to the CG being in both the nervous and skeletal systems +